A Breakdown of Various Water Filtration Systems

Posted by Intelgadgets.com on 11th Dec 2015


The number of water filtration systems purchased and used in today’s homes and offices is rising at a phenomenal rate. Water contamination seems to be running rampant throughout neighborhoods and cities, and boil water alerts are becoming weekly occasions in some areas. Nowadays homeowners and renters alike are making water quality one of their top priorities and ensuring that their drinking,bathing, and cooking water is safe.

Water purifiers remove a plethora of toxins and contaminants from regular tap water and make it clean and safe to drink, cook, and bathe with.

Why Invest in a Water Filtration System?

  • People often think that water purification systems are too expensive to purchase and maintain. This is a common misconception. By owning an effective one, people ultimately save tons of money on water expenses such as bottles, water bills, and fees.
  • Along with saving money, owning a water filtration system also saves on hassle and space. It eliminates the need to go out and purchase large, heavy cases of bottled water, transport them back home, fill up the fridge, and then deal with the recycling of all the wasted plastic. Think of all the freed-up space in your refrigerator and all the empty bottles you won’t have to recycle!
  • People want clean and safe water. Water filtration systems simply remove up to 100% of all contaminants from regular tap water such as parasites,viruses, algae, bacteria, rust, heavy metals, chlorine, pesticides, fluoride, germs, sediment, foul odors, limescale, and many other chemicals, toxins, and pollutants.

Different Types of Water Purification Systems

Today’s market is inundated with all different kinds of water filtration machines.One way to determine which type is right for you is to learn about the different purification mechanisms and methods that exist.

  • Activated Carbon Filtration – Contaminants are attracted to activated carbon particles that come in porous, solid, or granular form, and therefore are removed from the water leaving it clean and pollutant-free.
  • Sedimentation – These filters push the heavy particles in the water down to the bottom. The most effective sediment filters are pleated cellulose, pleated polyester, and spun polypropylene.
  • Kinetic Degradation Fluxion Filtration – This method relies on chlorine and uses the chemical as a detoxifier. However, many people choose to not drink chlorinated water because of its foul taste and smell.
  • Reverse Osmosis – An excellent system for highly contaminated water,reverse osmosis purifies water by drawing it through a fine membrane under high pressure.
  • Alkaline Water Purification – Breaking down water molecules through electrolysis, alkaline water ionizers produce three types of water: filtered,alkaline, and acidic. While filtered and alkaline water are perfect for cooking and drinking, acidic water is actually a phenomenal cleaning agent for face,hair, cookware and dishes, and throughout the home.
  • Distillation – This technique purifies water through heating. Contaminated water is heated until its molecules evaporate, and then once again condense into pure water.

If you research the current conditions of municipal water in your area and surrounding areas, you’ll probably immediately discover the horrifying evidence that is driving more and more people today to buy and install water filtration systems. Sadly, many people are still unaware of all the dangerous pollutants, toxins,and other impurities in their drinking water, but now that you know the facts, all you need to do is choose the right system for you and your specific needs. Then you’ll able to enjoy all the benefits of owning a machine that produces crystal clean, safe, and delicious drinking water.